Van Driel Solar Grazing

is a young and dynamic company that brings nature and modern technology together. Van Driel Solar Grazing originated from parent company Van Driel Landschapsbeheer. A family business where the urban and heathland grazing operations started. Many years of experience and expansion resulted in the formation of Van Driel Solar Grazing B.V.


Sheep Grazing

Together we ensure optimal functioning of the solar parks by means of sheep grazing (green space maintenance through grazing with sheep) throughout the whole of the Netherlands. Sheep grazing is an ecological, sustainable and socially responsible way of green maintenance.


National Services

Besides the fact that grazing is environmentally friendly, efficient and, most importantly, good for biodiversity, one of our highest priorities is to provide full-service solutions to our clients. These solutions involve completely unburdening you from everything related to greenery in and around your solar park. We offer our services throughout the Netherlands. As we are a young and dynamic company, our aim is to expand our operations to neighbouring countries such as Germany and Belgium.

How we work?

We design customised work schedules for the purpose of sheep grazing. In other words, we will bring the sheep into the solar park for controlled grazing. We will ensure that the vegetation is kept below panel height. When the weather gets better, the temperature higher and the days longer, the grass starts growing. Grazing operations normally start in the first weeks of April and end in the last weeks of November, depending on the weather and vegetation growth typical of the area. We will do three or four rounds in the field. At first, the sheep will be in the solar park for a short period of time. This is because of the growing process. We want to make a positive impact on biodiversity and vegetation from the very outset. The second round, in the summer period, will be much more intensive.

Although the company is based in the south of the Netherlands, our activities are undertaken across the Netherlands as a whole.


Interested in grazing solar park?

Interested in our services or questions about our services or the way we work. Then be sure to contact us. We will quickly handle your request with an appropriate response.

Contact information

  • Zuidlangeweg 2B
  • 4796SB Oudemolen
  • Luc van Driel: 06-27191906